OSC member brands activate a non-partisan voter turnout campaign this fall

August 31, 2020 by dev_team

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Think Globally/ Vote Locally


In response to recent social and environmental injustices across the nation, the OSC member community is encouraging all eligible voters to participate this November in Federal, State, AND Local elections.  As a community, we encourage thoughtful and purposeful choices at all levels. Let’s take the time before Nov 3 to educate ourselves and each other by way of conversation. Sign up to host a Ballot Party today! #YourVoteCounts

Fueling the Conversation. Eleven OSC member brands, including Numi TeaNana Joes GranolaLa TourangelleAll Good, The Town Kitchen, CannacraftKuli KuliRancho Llano SecoDr. Bronner’sGrove Collaborative, and Nutiva,  will be giving away, 100 complimentary “Ballot Boxes”, which are  stuffed with an assortment of epic products valued at over $500. Sign up today to host a COVID-safe virtual ballot party in your community, and you’ll automatically be entered into the giveaway.

About the Campaign.#YourVoteCounts is a nonpartisan voter turnout campaign organized by One Step Closer (OSC), and intended to increase voter turnout this November.

For more information visit www.osc2.org/YVC