Join OSC
Growing a natural products business is hard. Growing a natural products business committed to the triple bottom line is even harder. You don’t have to do it alone.
Our CEO Leadership Chapters provide mission-driven leaders of the natural products industry with a community vessel for constant awakening and collaborative innovation.
Founded in 2012, we are a collective of leaders in the natural products industry with decades of experience, playbooks of best practices, and mentorship support for anyone growing a values-aligned natural products brand. We convene, empower, and catalyze leaders to actualize regenerative business models built on the triple bottom line: People, Planet, & Prosperity.
Through carefully curated meetings and workshops, immersive events, and a broad network of industry experts and peers, our CEO Leadership community is provided with the tools and inspiration to make meaningful and lasting change.
Interested in joining? See below for more information about our Core Chapter and Rising Star Chapter memberships, including membership benefits, criteria, and expectations.

What does it mean to be an OSC member?
There are many benefits to being an OSC member.
Benefits include:
- Being a part of an incredible, values-aligned community in the natural products industry
- Getting expert, peer-based support and guidance on your business challenges via quarterly gatherings, monthly cohort meetings, mentorship and more.
- Invitation to OSC’s Annual Leadership Retreats (2 per year)
- Access for you and your team to our private online community platform and Lunch & Learns hosted by industry experts
- Exclusive access to OSC industry events including Ripple Fest and activations at Expo West, including speaking opportunities
- $500 discount on Packaging Collaborative Membership
- Access to OSC Job Board to advertise openings in your organization, plus discounted rates for ForceBrands Job Board marketplace
- Opportunities to elevate your impact through pre-competitive collaborations and deeper involvement with OSC’s industry-wide Collaboratives
Members are expected to:
- Attend fully a minimum of 3 chapter meetings (Hybrid)
- Attend fully a minimum of 4 cohort meetings (Virtual)
- Attend 1 of 2 All-Member Retreats (In Person with limited virtual programming)
- Participate in OSC’s private Member Communication Platform and engage in member discussions
- Engage team members in Lunch & Learns and other programming as relevant
- Maintain current annual dues
Core Chapter & Rising Star Chapter Membership
Member Criteria
Leadership Criteria:
- Candidate is currently working full-time (40 +/- hours per week) in the business. They must be a CEO, President, Founder or C-level.
- Candidate aligns with One Step Closer’s Values, which include:
- Empowerment of healthy regeneration of people and planet
- Equitable opportunity and access
- Deep trust and transparency
- Open education and collaboration
- Candidate demonstrates high-integrity, humility, confidentiality, and an openness to a regenerative mindset
- Candidate is able to make at least 1 Retreat (In Person), 3 Chapter Meetings (Hybrid), and 4 Cohort (Virtual) Meetings per year
Company & Product Criteria:
- Current Company is $10+ million in revenues (Core Chapter), or $1 – $10 million in revenues (Rising Star Chapter)
- Company has a presence in the natural products industry and has a documented socially-conscious and/or sustainability mission that seeks to address an agricultural, environmental, or food system issue(s).
- Products are 100% non-GMO or certified organic
- If products are not 100% non-GMO or certified organic, candidates must verify a timeline for certification or validate obstacles for certification in the application.
- Company is a certified B Corp or has a documented timeline for certification.
- Alternatively, if the company is not a Certified B Corp, candidate can provide other evidence, standards, or third-party verification showing commitment and impact on areas of governance, employee welfare, environmental sustainability, etc. that speaks to the company’s values and impact.
- Company is near (within 12-18 months) break-even or profitable; or is fast-growing (25% or greater YOY growth) and well-funded.*
- *Core Member applicants must be funded for the next 3 years, Rising Star applicants must show a clearly defined funding runway.
- Products are non-competitive with other members – current members can determine if a new member is competitive.