January 3, 2019 by dev_team
Tune in for the next Climate Collaborative Webinar on Jan 25 @ 11am Pacific
Crops, Cattle, and Climate: Potential Solutions to Agriculture’s Potent Pollutants
Join us as we dive deeper into the world of short-lived climate pollutants (SLCPs) for our January webinar! Reducing the potent SLCPs related to agriculture represents a major opportunity area for natural product companies to reduce their climate impacts.
The New Zealand Ministry for Primary Industries, a partner of the UN’s Clean Air and Climate Coalition, will join to discuss the primary drivers behind agriculture-related SLCPs, including burning and enteric emissions. The Ministry will break down the typical agricultural GHG footprint, and why it so consistently comprises the majority of emissions related to food production. They’ll also cover how the measurement of GHG emissions can influence policy development while highlighting existing and emerging international policy and global organizations working in this arena.
Next, Lotus Foods, a winner of the National Co+op Grocers Climate Collaborative’s 2018 Outstanding Value Chain Engagement Award, will review their work with their More Crop Per Drop program, which is reducing methane emissions in rice production. Lotus will dive into how rice is related to climate emissions and how their System of Rice Intensification (SRI) helps lessen those impacts.