More Details on “Time to Lead on Climate” Panel

February 26, 2016 by dev_team


The excitement is building as we busily prepare for Expo West, now just 2 weeks away. Our focus this year is around climate change, a topic that is front and center in the wake of the recent COP21 Global Climate summit in Paris. The universal “we” have made major progress in building awareness and actions among countries, companies and communities; it is now indisputable that we need to take dramatic action to address the health of Mother Earth and I know natural foods companies can—and will—rise to the challenge.

My panel,“Time to Lead on Climate”, will explore best climate practices for our industry and showcase specific activities of top leaders in natural foods. Author and climate activist Bill McKibben will share his thoughts (via video) on our industry’s engagement in climate action. Attendees will gain useful insights into where to begin their climate journey or for those already on the path, inspirational actions toward deepening their existing commitment and impact.

I love that this panel is in the ‘making the impossible possible’ track, though I don’t view this is an impossible concept. Join me, Bill, Chris Mann, and Nancy Hirshberg of the “Just Label It” campaign on stage to launch a climate-friendly foods movement. We’ll be in Marriott’s Grand Ballroom F on Saturday, March 12 from 3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

We’ve got a busy show… as a heads up, I’m also speaking on a panel titled “Packaging Imperatives: where we are and where we need to go” in the ‘stewardship’ track. That will take place on Friday, March 11 at 12:30 p.m. and includes Cynthia Barstow, James Tonkin and Jeanne Cloutier discussing how natural foods brands are uniting in search of compostable packaging. OSC2 is also hosting its fourth annual breakfast presentation on Saturday, March 12 at 8 a.m.

We’ll see you in Anaheim in 2 weeks!