January 11, 2023 by Sarah
Member Spotlight: Kristel Corson – Chief Marketing Officer at Traditional Medicinals
Member Spotlight: Kristel Corson, Chief Marketing Officer at Traditional Medicinals and OSC Core Member, takes five to reflect on 5 simple questions. Enjoy!
OSC: Where is your hometown?
KC: San Francisco, CA
OSC: What’s one thing most people don’t know about you?
KC: Clo the Cow (beloved mascot for Clover Sonoma) and I share the same birth year. Our 50th birthday was in 2019 and we had a great year of celebrating before the world shut down in 2020. Clo and our 50th birthday will always hold a special place in my heart!
OSC: What is it about the mission of your company that really ignites you?
KC: What I love most about TM is that it is a company that truly thinks about its impact on the world (people and the planet) in most everything it does. I love that as a company we are about to turn 50 and the conversations we are having are around the impact we want to make over the next 50 years versus celebrating all that we’ve done.
OSC: What’s a favorite childhood memory of food that you have?
KC: Ice Cream. On some weekends when my parents slept in, I used to sneak into the kitchen and rather than cereal or toast, I would serve myself a big bowl of ice cream for breakfast. Probably not the most nutritious, but something I still love today!
KC: I worry about our country and how divided we are as a nation. We need to come together to fight issues like climate change, so we have a healthy planet to leave to our grandchildren. However, it seems like people have forgotten how to work together and collaborate for a greater good — making the world a better place than we found it.
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