March 1, 2018 by dev_team
2018 Expo West Updates: Where to be and what to see!
OSC2 will be out and about in full effect this year. Check out these stellar events put on by OSC2 and its members throughout the week:
STAFF PICK: Well, if you can only make one, this is probably it…
Expo’s Biggest Hug
Grand Plaza (look for the signs!)
3/10/2018 (Sat)
12:00 PM – 12:30 PM
Hosted by Alter Eco
Open to all pass holders
Alter Eco is planning the largest group expo hug to launch our Dark Chocolate Coconut Clusters! Take a break from it all to celebrate the power of a cluster and then head to our booth for tastings with our favorite Instagram influencers. Free Alter Eco swag bags for the first 50 huggers!
But don’t overlook…
Climate Day @ Expo West
Marriott, Marquis Ballroom Central
3/7/2018 (Wed)
8:00 AM – 8:00 PM
Hosted by Climate Collaborative, OSC2 and SFTA
Open to all pass holders
Concerned about climate change but not sure what your company can do? Already taking action but seeking to make new commitments and a larger impact?
Join industry leaders at Climate Day 2018 for inspirational keynotes, breakout sessions, networking, a rockin’ reception, film screening and more! Get the tools, information, and inspiration you need to help your company take meaningful action to reverse global warming.
Waste not, Want not; Tackling Food Waste
Marriott Orange County Ballroom 3
3/8/2018 (Thu)
11:30 AM – 12:30 PM
Hosted by Climate Collaborative, OSC2, Sprouts, Forager Project
Open to all pass holders
Emissions related to food waste from farm to landfill are a significant contributor to climate change. However, food waste is a tricky problem— one where collaborations through the supply chain must be leveraged to obtain impactful results. Join the Climate Collaborative’s Co-founder Lara Dickinson, Dana Gunders, Sprouts, and Forager Project to discuss how businesses are committing to food waste reduction in their supply chains thereby helping reduce climate change impacts while increasing profits.
Packaging Innovation; Understanding Emerging Technology
Marriott Orange County Ballroom 3
3/9/2018 (Fri)
12:30:00 PM 1:30:00 PM
Hosted by OSC2
Open to all Superpass Holders
Mission-based food companies are seeking effective packaging alternatives to traditional flexible plastic pouches and overwrap, which go straight to landfill. Compostable, recyclable and emerging technologies based on Food Waste capture are starting to hit the market. Join OSC2, Elk Packaging, Numi Tea and other leaders to learn about what is working in terms of new compostable launches, and a glimpse into future technologies which have the opportunity to reduce our footprint in radical ways. We will also explore the cost-benefit trade-off and how to work with the packaging industry to manage costs and efficiency. This panel is designed for packaged foods companies looking for new packaging solutions.
A Toast To Compost
Booth 1957
3/9/2018 (Fri)
4:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Hosted by Numi, Alter Eco, and OSC2
Open to all pass holders
Join us for cocktails and conversation as we celebrate compostable packaging innovation and collaboration.
OSC2 Community Breakfast @ Expo West
The Fifth (Grand Legacy At The Park)
1650 S Harbor Blvd, G | Anaheim, CA 92802
3/10/2018 (Sat)
8:00 AM – 10:00 AM
Open to friends of OSC2
Hosted by OSC2, 18 Rabbits, Alter Eco, Ancient Nutrition, Big Tree Farms, Cal Olive, Dang, Dr. Bronner’s, Guayaki, Happy Family, Lotus Foods, Numi, Nutiva, REBBL, Treasure8, Emmer & Co, Kuli Kuli, Living Intentions, Miyoko’s Kitchen, Square Organics, Uncommon Cacao, All Good, Gaia Herbs, Amys Kitchen, Andean Naturals, Diamond Foods, Eco Teas, Lundberg, Organic India, Patagonia Provisions, Plum, Regrained, Yum Butter, Yum Earth, Elk Packaging, Futamara, Associated Labels, and BioBag
Event Partners: New Resource Bank, Futamara, Wendel Rosen
And check out our member events too…
B Corp Breakfast
Booth 2416
3/9/2018 (Fri)
9:00 AM – 9:45 AM
Hosted by Happy Family
Open to all pass holders that works for a B Corp
Special breakfast for B Corp companies.
Kiss the Ground Book Signing & Giveaway
Booth 1745
3/9/2018 (Fri)
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM
Hosted by Nutiva
Open to all pass holders
Author Josh Tickell will sign 100 copies of his new book on regenerative agriculture.
Regenerative Agriculture Happy Hour
Nutiva Booth #1745
3/9/2018 (Fri)
5:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Hosted by Nutiva
Open to all pass holders
The Breakfast Club
Booth 8016 (ACC 300 Level)
3/10/2018 (Sat)
10:00 AM – 11:30 AM
Hosted by REBBL
Open to all pass holders
A collaborative pop-up with our favorite breakfast-loving, mission-aligned brands who compliment REBBL’s morning usage occasion; granolas, nut butters, superfoods/seeds, yogurt, etc. Come join us!
Climate Strategies: The What, Why, How of Regenerative Organic Certification
Marriott, Platinum Ballroom 4
3/10/2018 (Fri)
11:30 AM – 12:30 PM
Hosted Dr. Bronner’s
Open to all pass holders
Regenerative Organic Certification is a holistic new agriculture standard developed with the urgency of climate action in mind. Its foundation leverages existing robust and high-bar standards for soil health, ecological land management, pasture-based animal welfare, and fairness for farmers and workers. Join us for a panel discussion with those who developed the ROC standard, to learn 1) What the standards technical foundation is, 2) Why the ROC is the leading certification of its kind, and 3) How business can become certified
All Good Pre-Lunch Pick Me Up
Booth 2431
3/10/2018 (Sat)
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
Hosted by All Good
Open to all pass holders
Take a break mid day for a 1% / B Corp toast at the All Good Booth with “soft landings” – guayaki terere, spindrift fizzies and maaaaaybe some tequila in there too!
The Earth Diet Book Signing & Giveaway
Booth 1745
3/10/2018 (Sat)
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM
Hosted by Nutiva
Open to all pass holders
Blogger and Health Food Advocate Liana Werner – Gray will sign 100 copies of her book
Alter Eco Clusterfest Happy Hour
Booth 1962
3/10/2018 (Sat)
4:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Alter Eco
Open to all pass holders
Gather together for Clusterfest Happy Hour to celebrate our new Coconut Cluster product line. Lounge and indulge in some next level snacks and good vibes.
Numi Happy Hour
Booth 1957
4:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Open to all pass holders
Happy hour with tea infused cocktail samples
Kuli Kuli Happy Hour
Booth 5141
4:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Hosted by Kuli Kuli
Open to all pass holders
Stop by to try Moringa Mai Tai’s made with Kuli Kuli’s Vanilla Green Smoothie Mix